Noticing a piece of food stuck in your teeth can be embarrassing, but it can also be uncomfortable. Even though it’s normal for food to get wedged between teeth on occasion, it’s a whole other story when this happens time and time again in the same spot. These areas are… Read More…
Your denture may have once been one of the best things to happen to you. In fact, many people throughout history have benefited from dentures as they allow people to smile freely, chew confidently, and feel whole again. Dentures are a great solution for missing teeth and are often a… Read More…
In honor of Root Canal Awareness Week, which occurs each May, your dentist in Clyde thought it would be fun to talk about this treatment that patients often dread. Why? Because it has a bad reputation for being painful — when the total opposite is the actual truth. Root canals… Read More…
Did you know there have been studies showing that older women with gum infections are more prone to developing common forms of cancer? Women with optimal oral health are less likely to get various forms of cancer. Your dentist in Clyde wanted to take a moment to shed some important… Read More…
One of the top priorities of your dentist in Clyde is to prevent dental problems from occurring in the first place. However, there’s one condition that affects more than 90% of adults over the age of 20 – cavities. Treating cavities is usually quick and easy, especially if they’re caught early…. Read More…
Oral health is a crucial part of your overall health, and it’s important to see your dentist in Clyde at least every six months to maintain a healthy mouth and healthy body. However, we understand that there are some things that can keep a patient from seeing us as often as… Read More…
Your dentist in Clyde has known for quite some time that there is a strong link between gum disease and other whole-body concerns, such as an increased risk for heart disease and stroke. But recent research by the American Academy for Cancer Research has also shown a connection between gum disease… Read More…
Spring is a time when many people start to clean out their homes after the winter season, opening windows, cleaning out closets, and even scrubbing baseboards. When it comes to your dental health, your dentist in Clyde wants to remind all of our patients and neighbors that giving your teeth a… Read More…
There have been close to 400 million cases of COVID-19 worldwide since the beginning of the pandemic. While one of the telltale signs of COVID can be loss of taste, among many other symptoms, there may be additional oral health concerns associated with a COVID-19 infection both during illness, as… Read More…
There are so many different kinds of toothbrushes to choose from, and while they may all look the same outside of the color, not all brushes work the same. In fact, there are some big differences between the types of toothbrushes available, and it can be difficult to know which… Read More…